Care Derma

KEUNE Care Derma Exfoliate Shampoo 300ml

Item No.: 21300.02
  • Description
  • Usage
  • Specifications
The shampoo is suitable for dry and oily scalps, eliminating dandruff and flaking, providing an antibacterial and antimicrobial effect, relieving itching and irritation.

The beneficial effect is ensured by a complex of active ingredients: octopirox eliminates dandruff and prevents its new formation, biosulfur normalizes the secretion of sebum. In addition to the therapeutic effect, the shampoo returns health and beauty to the hair.
Apply to hair, foam with massage movements. Rinse thoroughly with water. After repeating the procedure, leave the product for 2 minutes for a therapeutic effect. Rinse thoroughly with water.
Product type
Hair Care
Care Derma
Hair condition
For any hair type
Effect of using
Scapl balance restoring
Scalp comfort
Dandruff removal&prevention
Hair&Scalp mean type
Hair structure&shape
All hair kinds&structures
Scalp condition
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