Care Derma

KEUNE Care Derma Activate Shampoo 1000ml

Item No.: 21305.01
Only for professionals
  • Description
  • Usage
  • Specifications
A gentle cleansing shampoo for sensitive scalp and weak, fine hair prone to hair loss. Hair becomes thicker and more voluminous, normal functioning of the scalp is restored, and hair growth accelerates.

Anti-loss Shampoo сomplex helps strengthen hair and combat the problem of temporary hair loss. Natural minerals and anti-aging technology strengthen hair daily and prevent hair loss in the early stages.
Apply to hair, foam with massage movements. Rinse thoroughly with water.
Product type
Hair Care
Care Derma
Hair condition
For any hair type
Effect of using
Anti hair loss
Hair&Scalp mean type
Hair structure&shape
All hair kinds&structures
Scalp condition
Hair loss
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